Preke Endrren ♥

Thursday, May 8, 2014

|Foto-Video| Nusja më e lartë në Planet, brazilianja me 203 centimetra

Modelja më e lartë braziliane Elisani da Crus Silva zyrtarisht do të bëhet nusja më lartë në botë , pasi të dashurin e saj Fransinaldo ja dha fjalën se do të martohet. Kjo vajzë është 203 centimetra. Lidhja e tyre shkonë për 3 vjet , dhe ata kanë dallim në gjatësi prej 41 centimetër dhe kurrë ska patur ndonjë problem!
Ky çift i ri rreth një vit që jetojnë së bashku në qytetin Salinopolis, një qytet brazilianë dhe dëshira e ciftit të rijë është që me shpresë në shtëpinë e tyre sa më shpejtë do të dëgjojënë fëmija të qan, dmth të trashegohen. Elisani edhe pse është vetëm 18 vjeçe në mënyrë të etur pret të lindë një fëmijë të dashurit të saj. Brazilian frikësuar ju nuk mund të merrni shtatzënë për shkak të rritjes së saj gjigante që është shkaktuar për shkak të tumorit në rritje në gjëndër hipofizë e saj . Pavarësisht , ata janë të dy të lumtur në jetën e tyre të lumtur së bashku .
Edhe pse nuk mund të bëjnë pa njëri-tjetrin ishte edhe fillimi i marrëdhënieve të tyre . Ata u takuan kur Elisani ka qenë 16 vjeç dhe ajo thotë se ishte shumë fëminore kur e takoji të fejuarin e saj 41 cm më të vogël. Të gjithë miqtë e mi mendojnë se është e bukur, por ajo kurrë nuk do të vijnë me ne, sepse ka një turp . Marrëdhënia jonë është e veçantë, sepse unë e kuptoj atë dhe ajo më kuptonë mua  

Friday, May 2, 2014

Vajza pa xhinse (Video)

Prej dekadash tashmë është veshja e preferuara e miliona personave në mbarë botën dhe aq të zakonshme e të larmishme janë sot, sa vështirë të mos gjesh një person veshur me to në cdo moment.
Shtëpitë e modës kanë modelet e tyre, diku të gjëra, diku më të ngushta, këto të fundit gjërësisht të shpërndara tek femrat.
Por ç’ndodh nëse nuk i ke veshur fare ato, por thjesht i ke ‘të pikturuara’ në trup? Artistja franceze Marie Pryzbylski është ideatorja dhe autorja e një eksperimenti të jashtëzakonshëm në rrugët e Lilës në Francë. Me ndihmën e një modelje 20-vjeçare, ajo përfundoi ‘studimin’ e saj.
Mbi trupin e modeles, të quajtur Maria, nuk kishte asnjë veshje, asnjë copë. Xhinset u vizatuan me mjeshtëri prej artistes. Pas përfundimit të ‘make up’, 20-vjeçara u filmua teksa ecte në rrugët më të populluara të qytetit francez, për të parë nëse dikush do të kuptonte dicka./TCH/
Por përvec tërheqjes së vëmendjes për linjat e modeles, askush nuk e kuptoi se vajza mbante veshur xhinse imagjinarë.

Të pasmet e Adelinës (Foto)

Këngëtarja e njohur kosovare, Adelina Berisha, shquhet për format seksi të trupit, të cilat i reklamon gjatë gjithë kohës. Të pasmet dhe gjoksi, janë vijat trupore që më së shumti në ditët e sotme po komentohen. Shumë këngëtare dhe artiste të ndryshme, synojnë famën duke “reklamuar” ato. Gjersa disa femra “vuajnë” për të pasur vija të theksuara, disa të tjera këtë e kanë problemin më të vogël në jetën e tyre. Këngëtarja Adelina Berisha, duket se “pëlqen” të pasmet e saja. Në shumicën e fotove të postuara në rrjetet sociale, Adelina ka treguar pa hezitim ato.

Ja e dashura e re e Shpat Kasapit?

Prej disa muajsh Shpat Kasapi është ndarë nga e fejuara e tij Afërdita Dreshaj. Derisa Dreshaj ka krijuar tashmë një lidhje të re, Shpati nuk ka zbuluar shumë nga jeta e tij sentimenatale. Megjithatë, zëra të ndryshëm thonë se këngëtari është duke u takuar me një vajzë që nga vera e vitit të kaluar, më saktë që nga koha e xhirimeve të klipit ‘’Kazanova’’. Thuhet se dyshja tani po jetojnë një mardhënie më intensive. Nuk dihet me saktësi se kush është vajza në fjalë, ndonëse flitet se është modele. Ne, sjellim një foto ku shihen Shpat Kasapi dhe vajza që mendohet të jetë e dashura e tij e re

Ja femra më seksi në planet (Foto)

Jennifer Lawrence është shpallur femra më seksi në planet nga revista FHM. Aktorja protagoniste e sagës ‘The Hunger Games’ kryeson listën duke lënë pas bukuroshe si Beyonce, Rihanna apo Scarlett Johansson. Në vend të dytë është britanikja Michelle Keegan, ndërsa në vend të tretë këngëtarja Rihanna. Duke folur për fituesen e këtij viti, kryeredaktori i FHM-së, Dan Jude, tha: “Nuk është habi që është shpallur femra më seksi. Jo vetëm që është aktorja më e kërkuar e momentit, por të gjithë meshkujt janë dashuruar me sharmin e saj

Rita Ora tregon me shumë se që duhet (Foto)

Rita Ora siç duket është një fanse e madhe e fotogafit Terry Richardson. Ajo ka bërë një set fotografik topless dhe me poza provokuese në zyrën e tij. Këngëtarja 23 vjeçare ka treguar trupin e saj seksi dhe stilin e saj sportive. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Adelina Tahiri ‘ndez’ fansat me foto selfie

Imazhi që ka publikuar këngëtarja shqiptare nga Maqedonia, duket i përmbajtur në pamje të parë. Adelina Tahiri ndez fansat e saj me një foto selfie nga dhoma e gjumit. Nuk është ndonjë foto e stilit të zhveshur dhe as e ekspozimit pa kufi. Imazhi që ka publikuar këngëtarja shqiptare nga Maqedonia, duket i përmbajtur në pamje të parë. Megjithatë në foton nga dhoma e gjumit, duket se nga një nëntekst, pasi Adelina vë në pah pjesët “e bëshme” të trupit të saj që duken në sfond, në një pasqyrë në fund të dhomës së gjumit. Imazhi i publikuar nga këngëtarja në faqen e saj zyrtare ka pasuar qindra komente dhe pëlqime “të ndezura” për format e Adelinës 

Haxhi Krasniqi ndahet nga Miss Gjermania

Boksieri shqiptar, Haxhi Krasniqi, ka konfirmuar ndarjen nga Miss Gjermania 2013 dhe po ashtu ka treguar arsyet e ndarjes nga bukuroshja. Caroline Noeding, Miss Gjermania 2013, ka qenë pjesë e intervistës së Haxhi Krasniqit për Prive. Për të është pyetur boksieri i suksesshëm shqiptar, i cili jeton në Gjermani dhe arritjet më të mëdha i ka bërë atje. Haxhiu, i cili njihet si një prej meshkujve më seksi shqiptarë në Gjermani, ka konfirmuar ndarjen nga Mis Gjermania, por thekson se ata mbeten miq të mirë. Arsyet e ndarjes sipas boksierit kanë qenë të ndryshme, ka qenë largësia Hannover – Munich ajo që ka penguar, pasi që shqiptari jeton në Munich dhe udhëtimet çdo fundjavë ishin të lodhshme për të. Haxhiu shtoi se synon që të mbetet ‘single’ dhe të fokusohet në karrierë, pasi e ka të vështirë që të dashurohet. - See more at:

Rihana set to be honoured with CDFA Fashion Icon Award

Melbourne: Rihanna is going to receive the CFDA Fashion Icon Award in June 2 in New York City.
The Council of Fashion Designers of America has announced that the `Umbrella` hitmaker will join celebs like Lady Gaga, Iman, Kate Moss and Nicole Kidman who have previously received the prestigious award.

The council has also said that award is "given to an individual whose style has made a significant impact on popular culture on an international stage".

Britney Spears

Monday, April 7, 2014

Hair today, gone tomorrow: Rihanna steps out with short hair less than a day after sporting long weave at the same restaurant

She has recently been named a Fashion Icon by the Council of Fashion Designers of America. 
And it seems like Rihanna is still keen to keep her fashion critics on their toes, as she stepped out sporting a radical change in hair style, arriving at the Giorgio Baldi restaurant on Friday night with considerably less hair than the day before. 
The 26-year-old Disturbia singer arrived at the Italian restaurant without the long flowing weave she was seen sporting as she went to dinner with her father the day before, in its place a short sporty crop hidden under a baseball cap.  

Fashion chameleon: The Pour It Up singer stepped out in a long flowing weave only 24 hours earlier at the same restaurant in Santa MonicaFashion chameleon: The Pour It Up singer stepped out in a long flowing weave only 24 hours earlier at the same restaurant in Santa Monica
Fashion chameleon: The Pour It Up singer stepped out in a long flowing weave only 24 hours earlier at the same restaurant in Santa Monica
Stepping out in a sporty look of grey top and black knee-length flared skirt, the singer matched her look with a grey white and black baseball jacket, black cap and grey Nike new balance trainers. 
‘We are proud to present Rihanna with the CFDA Fashion Icon Award for her impact on the industry as fashion’s most exciting ambassador in recent memory,’ CFDA CEO Steven Kolb said after in the announcement last week.
The Take A Bow singer was clearly touched by the prestigious fashion award, as she retweeted the announcement with: 'I'm truly honored. Thank you.'

What Now: Rihanna managed to keep her style critics guessing by dramatically changing the length of her hair, in less than 24 hoursWhat Now: Rihanna managed to keep her style critics guessing by dramatically changing the length of her hair, in less than 24 hours
What Now: Rihanna managed to keep her style critics guessing by dramatically changing the length of her hair, in less than 24 hours
Fashion Killa: Rhianna has recently been awarded the CFDA fashion icon award
Fashion Killa: Rhianna has recently been awarded the CFDA fashion icon award

Join the trainer tribe with Rihanna's stylish sneakers

If you have any interest in fashion, you’ll know that the heel is no longer the footwear of choice for the fash pack – it’s all about the trainer.
At Paris fashion week they were seen on the Chanel runways, and off the catwalk the industry elite pounded the pavements in their comfy sneakers. Best put those skyscraper heels to the back of the closet, ladies.
The Nike Air Max had its moment, The Van is always a classic, and a pair of Converse is a must-have. But now, New Balance footwear is the next big thing – you know that if Rihanna’s wearing it, it’s going to be huge!
Rihanna’s exact trainers aren’t available online, but click right to get a very similar pair from ASOS. What’s great about New Balance trainers is that they have the support to work for the gym and the style to go with your everyday wardrobe. What’s not to love?!
Alternatively, we’ve picked four pairs of grey trainers for our edit below. They go with everything, are bang on trend, are super comfy and are an affordable way to get some Ri-Ri swag in your wardrobe – this one is a no-brainer!
The singer, who is rumoured to be dating rapper Drake, has been awarded the prestigious fashion award for her contribution to the fashion industry, including her philanthropic partnership with the MAC AIDS FUnd's Viva Glam campaign. 
The Fashion Icon award is given to an individual whose style has made a significant impact on popular culture on the international stage.
Stella McCartney has even praised the singer in the style stakes, commenting at her Paris Fashion Week show: 
'With Rihanna I just genuinely love the girl and she is a superstar so I am very lucky that she came, and at the same time we have an honest fondness for each other'
Sport luxe: The singer exuded sports glam as she stepped out in a white, grey and black baseball style jacket with lilac manicured nails
Sport luxe: The singer exuded sports glam as she stepped out in a white, grey and black baseball style jacket with lilac manicured nails
Lady Gaga, Iman, Kate Moss, and Nicole Kidman have all received the Fashion Icon Award over the years.
Rihanna shared a number of images on Instagram detailing her nomination, as well as a collage of a few of her past looks, with a few hashtags such as ‘I do this fashion s**t for fun’.
Fashion salute: Rihanna's fashion career is looking just as successful as her music with her latest award under her belt
Fashion salute: Rihanna's fashion career is looking just as successful as her music with her latest award under her belt

ACM Awards: Watch Shakira, Blake Shelton Serve Up 'Medicine'

Shakira and Blake Shelton gave viewers a taste of "Medicine," their new duet, at the ACM Awards on Sunday. 
Rocking a lipstick-red dress showing just enough of those famous hips, Shakira squared off with the country superstar for a spirited version of the pounding anthem. They ended the performance with a huge smile and a hug.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sarah Hyland is experiencing the highs and lows of a visit Down Under as she walks off groping incident with Harbour Bridge climb

It was only a couple of days ago that Sarah Hyland was left shocked and close to tears when a fan got a little too familiar during a movie premiere.
But she was clearly leaving the incident behind her on Saturday as she joined other members of the Modern Family cast for a Sydney Harbour Bridge climb.
the 23-year-old actress looked happy and carefree as she walked about on Sydney's iconic bridge - dressed in a full pair of blue and grey overalls.

BlackBerry founder Mike Lazaridis would not support the bid for the company

BlackBerry founder Mike Lazaridis has reduced its stake in the companyaccording to a report from The WallStreet Journal.

The information comes from the submission of a regulation made ​​public on Tuesdayin which Laziridis said he would not make an offer to buy the company and as a result has reduced its share to around 4.99 percent in thecompany of intelligent phones.

The news should allay rumors that Lazaridis could make a play to regain control of the companywhich had included rumors buyers ranging from Facebook to Amazon.

Along with the help of Fairfax Financial Holdings lastan honest recognition of potentially Lazaridis ends this drama, preparing for a return to the roots of the company as proposed by chief executive John Chen.

Dubai breaks world record with fireworks for New Year

The occurrence of six minutes, broke out more than 500,000 fireworks in Dubai coast and ending with an "artificial twilight." All spectacle was controlled by a network of 100 computers, 10 months to plan and has paid $ 6 million .
New Record joins several other records that holds Dubai, including the highest building in the world, Burj Khalifa and the largest artificial island in the world, the Palm Jumeirah.

The entire show was broadcast live on YouTube, it started 29 minutes before 12:00. Appearance broke the previous record held by Kuwait, in which 77,282 fireworks erupted in 2012.
Dubai began in 2014 with a big bang: Fireworks broke the Guinness World Record for the greatest show on New Year's Eve.

The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey, the most pirated movie in 2013

TorrentFreak , which claims to have derived its figures from several sources , says that the first part of the trilogy director Peter Jackson was downloaded 8.4 million times from bittorrent sites . Django Unchained , the film by director Quentin Tarantino , came in second on the list with 8.1 million . The movie The Fast and the Furious 6 was third with 7.9 million .

For some unknown reason , Project X was the most pirated movie from BitTorrent sources in 2012 , although there has been very influential in cinema . For 2013 , a new report says most pirated movie was The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey , which of course was a big hit in cinemas .

The rest of the list consists mainly of big budget films , with the exception of Silver Linings PlayBook in fifth place after Iron Man 3 in fourth place . Star Trek Into Darkness , Gangster Squad , Now You See Me , The Hangover Part III and World War Z rounded list this year .

A new combination between USB and clock Verb

The combination of USB and clock Verb gives a whole new meaning the phrase " big changes soon"
Verb time can not be called an hour intelligent , but has a dual function .
Even hand-held and used as USB . Composed of flexible silicon , Verb is a USB 4 giga that performs the function of the clock .

Not only that stores data, but also shows the LED clock on the surface . If we cast a quick look , what is striking is the eternal battery , the date and how much space there is in USB .

Verb connects through a USB port , thanks to a connector located on the belt of the clock . This does not represent a problem for the battery life , being fed through the gate of the USB's .

It brings a new perspective in this era of technology . An hour Verb can be yours for 35 pounds and is in the color of yellow , white , silver , orange , red , black and blue.

EyeLock, iris scanning will serve as the password

Scanning fingerprints is something that will soon leave behind them. Aims EyeLock iris scan with a device that has the size of a mouse which connects to your computer's USB port.

The main idea: Whenever you want to access a website or service, you only need to check the sensor, and the eye will be your password. For EyeLock iris biometric is more secure than a fingerprint from the fact that the probability of a false pozitivi is much lower (even identical twins have the same iris).

Eventually he plans to help manufacturers to build products directly to the scanner. But first scanner will go on sale in the first half of 2014. 

Ring Fin controls hand movements

Are marketed device that can be worn , ranging from hours to rings intelligent intelligent . Fin is a ring that held the big toe , and is designed to control intelligent devices through hand movements .

The aim is not only to improve the relationship with the equipment , but also the way we interact with them . Ring Fin has sensors that allow to follow hand movements . It differs fingers and the palm turns into a numeric keyboard .

Moves back to the command , which differ for each device , and transmitted with Bluetooth . There are many applications for this ring , which vary by device . The company has decided that the move would serve to reduce the sound or change the channel on your TV smart , and you can play different games or check your phone and give intelligent machine .

This ring system agrees with iOS , Android and Windows . The company is working to release a package , which shows how to use the ring . Has LED light rings and lithium battery that can be charged via a USB port are , each load holds up to a month , according to the company .

The most beautiful clock is created by Van Cleef & Arpels

The manufacturing company of luxury watches , Van Cleef & Arpels has created the most wonderful time there . Once we saw the clock " Midnight Planetarium Poétique Complication " immediately fell in love with.

Is washed in 18 carat pink gold , sapphires and crystals there . Feature of this hour are six of our solar system's planets , which revolve around the sun in real time . The planets are represented by precious stones . The planets are : Jupiter , Venus , Earth, Mars and Saturn , and precious stones that are used are : aventurine , Serpentine , Kloromlanitë , jasper , agate and turquoise blue .

These rocks form the planets and stars . Sun has the gold damask and located in the center of the field clock . Clock belt is made ​​with crocodile skin , but regardless of the materials used, the mechanism is most striking from all sides .

Given that the planets move in real time , this means that some of them move very slowly , for example : Mercury needs 3 months to make a full rotation , while Saturn be 29 and a half years . Van Cleef & Arpels company has stopped to Saturn , Uranus because i need 84 years to complete one rotation , while Pluto needs 248 years .

It makes no sense to have something to watch , which will not ever see it move . Clock can be found on the company website . There are only 396 in circulation time , and prices vary starting from 20 thousand dollars to 50 thousand dollars .