Preke Endrren ♥

Friday, April 4, 2014

During this year, Apple will produce two iPhone screen larger than 4.5 inches and 5 inches

According to the Wall Street Journal , Apple is planning to release two iPhones in 2014 , which will be different from the last two versions , which had a screen measuring 4 inches .The newspaper , which has always brought news about Apple in the past , said that a model will have a 4.5 inch screen , and the next model will have a screen larger than 5 inches .The new iPhone is expected to hit the market in the second half of this year , with metal casing , like the iPhone 5S . They do not want to create a flexible screen , as had previously informed .Apple has long produced no camera with a larger screen than 4 inches , so it's interesting that the company will finally produce phablet with a larger screen . Assumptions are thrown , the company is feeling pressure from other manufacturers of intelligent phones that have screen 5 to 7 inches , who have had a record sale .Wall Street Journal gave no other details of phones that will be published this year . However , she said that Apple will keep the plastic design that has been to the iPhone 5S .

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