Preke Endrren ♥

Friday, April 4, 2014

Military vehicles that can move even without the presence of a leader

They are part of a new generation of military machinery without steering , tested for the first time at the Fort Hood military base in Texas.
This project, launched recently at the initiative of the Center Engineering and Research-Development of Automotive Parts and Tank Army of the United States , in cooperation with the giant Lokheed Martin , known as Application System Autonomous Movement .
Through this system , moving military vehicles being coordinated through a system of sensors and satellite maps . In complex they perform all the functions that actually the driver even more carefully .
The system aims to save human lives in the battlefield . Through his military heavy machinery entering the fight even in the most difficult and most dangerous conflict , without needing the presence of military troops .

U.S. military leaders say that through this technology , the number of troops in the assault brigades projected to decrease significantly . This project began in 2012 and reached its initial value at 11 million dollars .

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