Preke Endrren ♥

Friday, April 4, 2014

iPhone 6 will have a 10 megapixel camera and improved filter

 As intelligent phones , clocks and intelligent ( smartwatch ) have a series of problems with the battery . Battery life is one of the challenges faced by manufacturers of intelligent classes , and such a matter was mentioned for Apple iWatch clock .

Recently it has been said that the iPhone 6 will come with a kind of screen that solar loading , and now , according to a recent report by the New York Times , said that Apple has a similar plan for its intelligent clock , iWatch , which is also looking to launch the solar adopters .

Earlier stated that Apple is facing challenges iWatch production , especially with the problems associated with battery and screen .

According to a new publication from the NYT says that Apple iWatch will come with curved screen , as stated earlier, and the curved screen will come with a layer of solar energy adopters , which will be filled with sunlight that appear during the day .

Some of the details published before, say that Apple iWatch is expected to be much more than just a communication device between the iPhone 's and your iPad . It is believed that the Apple iWatch clock will also perform other functions , such as health monitoring and follow -up to the gym , but must wait until the placing on the market of this hour to see if it would be true or not .

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