Preke Endrren ♥

Friday, April 4, 2014

International Space Station receives financial support from the White House

The fate of the International Space Station beyond 2020 has been at risk . The budget for the International Space Station expires in 2020 resulting in the dismantling of the space station . The White House has now agreed to extend funding for the International Space Station for several years.

International Space Station now has funds that will support space station operations until 2024 . NASA had said that the extension of station operations will allow him to continue scientific research and allow him to help establish a market for commercial space systems .

Some commercial space systems are being tested with shipments of supplies to the International Space Station . U.S. funding for the International Space Station costing about $ 3 billion a year .

Funding space station requires approval by Congress . Having the support of the White House does not guarantee funding , the next president can change it after the funding is assessed each year .

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