Preke Endrren ♥

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Inhibit the growth of violent games to teenagers moral

This is the conclusion of a study by researchers at the University of Ontario ( Canada ) , who add that teens who stay more than 3 hours a day at the computer , find it difficult to establish social connections .
The study observed 109 boys and girls aged 13 and 14 years . The data revealed that 88 % of teenagers play various games on the computer and favorite games were the ones where the player must beat , torture or kill others .
Also , adolescents were asked to complete a questionnaire which assessed their moral development . One of the questions was : how important it is to save the life of a friend ?
Previous studies have indicated that moral judgment of a person passes in four stages during growth . At the age of 13 adolescents should be in the third phase ( the link with others ) , but this phase is delayed to those who play video games .

Bajovic Mirjana said : " Teenagers who spend time playing , not create links with the outside world and do not take real life experiences . Can not distinguish good from evil .

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