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Friday, April 4, 2014

Zynga tests via Bitcoin payments on some of its games

Many businesses , even the German government are allowing payments via Bitcoin digital currency . Now the company 's biggest online gaming , Zynga , has announced it is testing Bitcoin payments on some of its games .

At this point , the test program does not extend to many games that Zynga has released . The company hopes that link some of its games Bitcoin currency can help it to attract new players . Zynga is trying hard to keep its users after a period where the original games like Farmville have millions of players .

The announcement was made in an unusual way , Zynga used her account to Reddit to announce the Bitcoin world for testing . The company is working with BitPay service in this program, which supports seven games that can be played on : 2 FarmVille , CastleVille , ChefVille , CoasterVille , Hidden Chronicles , Hidden Shadows and CityVille . Zynga said it decided to test Bitcoin due to " increasing worldwide popularity .

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